Professional Publications
What Zomato’s $12 Billion IPO Says About Tech Companies Today. Harvard Business Review (August, 2021). With V. Govindarajan.
What the edX Acquisition Means for the Future of Higher Education. Harvard Business Review (July, 2021). With V. Govindarajan and L. Enache.
Resist Old Routines When Returning to the Office. Harvard Business Review (May, 2021) With V. Govindarajan, T. Grisold, and A. Klammer
Mind the GAAP? Harvard Business Review (May, 2021). With V. Govindarajan and R. Zhao.
Should Midsize Companies Play Offense or Defense in a Downturn? Harvard Business Review (March, 2021). With V. Govindarajan and A. Iqbal.
The U.S. Economy Is Leaving Midsize Companies Behind. Harvard Business Review (February, 2021). With V. Govindarajan and L. Enache.
The Uncertainty of Middle Management Jobs - And How to Stay Relevant? California Management Review (January, 2021) With V. Govindarajan and N. Sikka.
U.S. Financial Reporting Is Stuck in the 20th Century. Harvard Business Review (December, 2020). With V. Govindarajan, S. Rajgopal, and L. Enache.
Do Digital Technology Firms Earn Excess Profits? California Management Review (November, 2020) With S. Rajgopal and R. Zhao.
COVID-Imposed Opportunity to Selectively Unlearn Past Practices. California Management Review (October 2020) With V. Govindarajan, T. Grisold, and A. Klammer.
Tech Giants, Taxes, and a Looming Global Trade War. Harvard Business Review (August, 2020). With V. Govindarajan, H. Warsame, and L. Enache.
Private Sector. Don’t Just Stand There, Do Something BIG! California Management Review (August 2020) With P. Danos and V. Govindarajan.
Harvest now or invest further—the dilemma reexamined. With V. Govindarajan, V., Sood, L. Enache, and B. K. Mishra. Management and Business Review. (2020): 1(1): 79‒83.
A Post-Pandemic Strategy for U.S. Higher Ed. With V. Govindarajan. Harvard Business Review (June, 2020). With V. Govindarajan.
Doubling Down on Double Sandwich Tax Schemes. California Management Review (March, 2020). With H. Warsame, and L. Enache.
What the Shift to Virtual Learning Could Mean for the Future of Higher Ed. Harvard Business Review (March, 2020). With V. Govindarajan.
Is Technology Subsuming Marketing? Harvard Business Review (February, 2020). With S. Rajgopal.
We Are Nowhere Near Stakeholder Capitalism. Harvard Business Review (January, 2020). With V. Govindarajan.
Understanding India’s Chilly Reception of Jeff Bezos. Harvard Business Review (January, 2020). With V. Govindarajan, and L. Enache.
How India Plans to Protect Consumer Data. Harvard Business Review (December, 2019). With V. Govindarajan, and L. Enache.
Midsize Companies Are Growing, But Struggling to Earn Profits. Harvard Business Review (November, 2019). With V. Govindarajan, and L. Enache.
No, WeWork Isn’t a Tech Company. Here’s Why That Matters. Harvard Business Review (August, 2019). With V. Govindarajan.
The Gap Between Large and Small Companies Is Growing. Why? Harvard Business Review (August, 2019). With V. Govindarajan, B. Lev, and L. Enache.
The Problem with France’s Plan to Tax Digital Companies. Harvard Business Review (July, 2019). With V. Govindarajan, H. Warsame, and L. Enache.
R&D Spending Has Dramatically Surpassed Advertising Spending. Harvard Business Review (January, 2019). With V. Govindarajan, S. Rajgopal, and Ye Wang.
It’s time to stop treating R&D as a discretionary expenditure. Harvard Business Review (January, 2019). With V. Govindarajan, S. Rajgopal, and L. Enache.
Should dual-class shares be banned? Harvard Business Review (December, 2018). With V. Govindarajan, S. Rajgopal, and L. Enache.
Should everyone be allowed to invest in private tech companies? Harvard Business Review (October, 2018). With V. Govindarajan, S. Rajgopal, and L. Enache.
Why we shouldn’t worry about the declining number of public companies? Harvard Business Review (August, 2018). With V. Govindarajan, S. Rajgopal, and L. Enache.
A blueprint for digital companies’ financial reporting. Harvard Business Review (August, 2018). With V. Govindarajan and S. Rajgopal.
Why we need to update financial reporting for the digital Era. Harvard Business Review (June, 2018). With V. Govindarajan and S. Rajgopal.
Why financial statements don’t work for digital companies. Harvard Business Review (February, 2018). With V. Govindarajan and S. Rajgopal.
The scary truth about corporate survival. Harvard Business Review (December 2016): 24−25. Based on work by V. Govindarajan and A. Srivastava.