Press Coverage
NewYork Times: What Is GameStop, the Company, Really Worth? Does It Matter?
BBC World Service: 3 Reasons Why "Responsible Capitalism" is Still an Illusion
Bloomberg: Maybe Dollars Should Be Digital
Bloomberg: Gary Gensler Has an Auditing Problem
Bloomberg: Is Value Dead? Debate Rages Among Quant Greats From Fama to AQR
SEC Commissioner’s Speech: Scarlet Letters: Remarks before the American Enterprise Institute
Forbes: What Does Virtual Learning Mean For The Future Of Higher Education?
Wall Street Journal: Value’s Rebounding, but Don’t Get Your Hopes Up
Financial Times: Corporate America experiences ‘K-shaped’ recovery
Globe and Mail: Why the violent upturn in value stocks may not have staying power
Barrons: What Digital Companies Need to Tell Investors
Forbes: Corporate America Is Now Almost As Risky As Main Street
Forbes: How A Decline In Mean Reversion May Be Hurting Value Investors
Forbes: Is Tech The Next Boogie Man? Congress Would Be Better Off Focusing On Healthcare
Marketwatch: The nightmare continues for ‘value’ investors. Here’s why
Institutional Investor: Value Investing’s Heady Days Aren’t Coming Back, Study Says
MSN News: The WeWork CEO’s outsize power is one reason the company is imploding
ETF Trends: How Accounting Can Distort Valuations
Reuters: The Downward Spiral of IPO Generations
NPR Marketplace: Research Explores The Effects Of Trade And Economic Disruption
JP Morgan 3Q19 Earnings bulletin: Skating on Thin Ice
Seeking Alpha: Value Investing Is Still Moribund
Seeking Alpha: Value Investing In The Time Of COVID-19
Seeking Alpha: 2020: Four Myths Busted
The Guardian, Calgary Herald, Vancouver Sun, Edmonton Journal: Oil Slump Takes A Bite Out of Executive Pay
Medium.Com: WeWork — A Cautionary Tale For All PropTech Players
Morgan Stanley Counterpoint Global Insights: Myth Busting, Popular Delusions, and the Variant Perception
Morgan Stanley Counterpoint Global Insights: One Job Expectations and the Role of Intangible Investments
Lazard Australian Equity Team: A Triumph of Hope over Experience
ResearchAffiliates: Book Value Is an Incomplete Measure of Firm Size
Medium.Com: 10 Powerful Innovation Principles for Market Disruption
The Atlantic: The Meaninglessness of the Stock Market Index in a Digital World
Recode: More Tech Companies Are Selling Stock That Keeps Their Founders In Power
CNBC: Amazon Loaded Up On Low-Risk Government Bonds Last Year As Investors Dumped Tech Stocks
Business Insider: In 2020, big businesses got bigger and small businesses died. The vicious cycle won't stop until we take action.
American Enterprise Institute: It’s Not Obvious that the US economy is Becoming Less Competitive
Intelligencer: Why Do Shareholders Agree to Give Up Voting Rights?
NPR Marketplace: How well do you know your economic history?
Investopedia: Why Tech Giants Are Getting Harder to Dethrone
SavvyInvestor: The Resurgence of Value? Factor Performance and Value vs Growth
Institutional Investor: Why Value Investing Sucks
TechMonitor: Consensus is emerging on how to tax Big Tech
Digital Privacy News: Lack of a Digital Law Exposes India to Chinese Cyberthreats
Business Today: No Full Stops
Sextant: What Does the Rush for Colleges to Go Remote Mean for Online Higher Education?
Brown Political Review: WeWork and Cults of Personality within the Haphazard Start-Up
ABC Tech News: Disruption has Reshaped the Corporate Sector
Alberta Securities Commission: Consultation Paper 11-701, Energizing Alberta’s Capital Market
Indian Finance Association: Shares with Differential Voting Rights
GuruFocus: Is the Balance Sheet Still a Reliable Indicator of Value?
Billings Gazette: The Entrepreneur Inside: In Business, If You Don't Evolve, You Die
Drawdown: ‘Private for longer’ driven by digitalization
Financial Review: Ignore the GAAP When Pricing Dropbox
Talent Economy: Is CEO Pay Too High? If So, How Do We Fix It?
Chief Marketer: Marketing Spending Getting Outpaced by R&D: Report
Hewlett Packard Enterprise: The Incredible Shrinking H-1B visa
Talent Economy: How CEOs Should Handle Criticism
PBS News: Twitter Opens at $45.10, But Investors Still Question Its Profitability
Yahoo Finance: Bad Picks or Bad Models: The Future of Value
Yahoo Finance: Value Investing Dead? It Is According to This Study
EurekAlert: New study shows important economic contributions of H-1B visas
TwoSigma: Diagnosing the Recent Decade of Drawdown in Value
Fortune: I am tech: The narrative-stretching playbook
AARP: Could You Be Worrying Too Much About Financial Security Due to the Pandemic?
Financial Times Agenda: Valuation and Accounting Challenges of Digital Assets
Financial Times: Tech: If the GAAP Fits
Bloomberg: Twitter Sold Some Stock
New York Times: Twitter’s Market Valuation Suggests Wall St. Sees Huge Growth Potential
New York Times: With Facebook’s Tumultuous I.P.O. in Mind, Twitter Tries to Value Its Share
New York Times: For Its Shares to Rebound, Facebook Needs to Project More Magic
The Fiscal Times: Why Wall Street Analysts Are Tepid on Twitter
NPR: Could Facebook's IPO be unveiling a new tech bubble
New York Times: With Lackluster Debut, Facebook Must Prove Itself to Investors.
New York Times: Some Analysts Question Numbers in H.P.’s Write-Down
Bloomberg BNA: Certain Stock Options Can Point to Financial Restatements
The Economist Intelligence Unit: Cooking the Books: Why do Firms Issue Financial Misstatements?
CBSNews: Another Reason to Cut Executives’ Stock Options.
Investorplace: 7 Next-Gen Growth Stocks to Buy for Long-Term Gains
Investorplace: Bank of America Can Be a Star Again in 2020
Protocol: Two tiers of tech stocks
Calgary Herald: Calgary companies roll back executive bonuses amid economic decline