Selected Publications
Hong, H., J. W. Ryou, and A. Srivastava. 2020. Lender Monitoring and the Efficacy of Managerial Risk-Taking Incentives. Forthcoming, Accounting Review
Srivastava, A. 2019. Improving the measures of real earnings management. Review of Accounting Studies. 24 (4): 1277–1316.
Enache, L. and A. Srivastava. 2018. Should intangible investments be reported separately or commingled with operating expenses? New evidence. Management Science 64(7): 3446–3468.
Aobdia, D., A. Srivastava, and E. Wang. 2018. Are immigrants complements or substitutes? Evidence from the audit industry. Management Science 64(5): 1997–2012.
Srivastava, A. 2014. Why have measures of earnings quality changed over time? Journal of Accounting and Economics. 57:196–217.
Srivastava, A. 2014. Selling-price estimates in revenue recognition and earnings informativeness. Review of Accounting Studies. 19:661–697.
McAnally, M. L., A. Srivastava, and C. Weaver. 2008. Executive stock options, missed earnings targets and earnings management. The Accounting Review. 83(1): 185–216.
Efendi, J, A. Srivastava, and E. P. Swanson. 2007. Why do corporate managers misstate financial statements? The role of in-the-money options and other incentives. Journal of Financial Economics. 85(3): 667–708